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© mooveen

Woman squeezing lemon over cut-up radishes and fennel

Stock Footage ID: D1237_1_385
Contributor: mooveen
Clip length: 00:25
Release: Model released
Frame rate: 29.97 fps
Original codec: ProRes
Chevron down solid (1) 44418925730c8c634a02a86ad6930977f909e8f2763599fa18c8df08b2f11a07

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woman, fennel, lemon, squeezing, radishes, kitchen, daylight, healthy eating, freshness, preparation, radish, one woman only, only women, only mature women, one mature woman only, mature woman, healthy lifestyle, food and drink, organic foods, cooking, root vegetables, chef's knife, kitchen knife, knife, plate, cutting board, vegetable, citrus, fruit, food, kitchen counter, salad, fresh food, indoors, refreshing, sliced, fresh, preparing, cross section, cropped, mid section, selective focus, healthful eating, readiness, fennel bulb, preparedness, squeeze, squeezes, preparations, lemons, fennels, fennel bulbs, healthy living, countertop, part of, person, lady, one woman, citrus fruit, veggie, chopping block, interior, fixed shot, twenty seconds or greater, twenty seconds or longer, mature person, just women, prepare, prepares, refreshes, refresh, from the front, differential focus, women, foods, fruits, vegetables, cutting boards, plates, knives, root vegetable, fresh foods, salads, kitchen counters, kitchen knives, chef's knives, kitchens, cross sections, ladies, organic food, citruses, veggies, chopping blocks, countertops, mid sections, cross-sections, static shots, womans, womens, only womens, vegatables, chef's knifes, chefs knifes, chefs knives, interiors, days, mid-sections, cross-section, indoor, mid-section, early fifties, over 50, only one woman, vegatable, chefs knife, from front, day, daytime, one person, 50-54 years, only mature adults, adults only, mature adult, adult, 50s, just adults, adults, mature adults, early 50s, only adults, 20 seconds or greater, 20 seconds or longer, 50+, color image, front view, partial view, real-time, static shot, Barcelona, Spain
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